Sunday, October 21, 2007

Under the Tuscan rain

Sigh. We walked about 4 miles through the rain. Then took the bus back (which we totally didn't pay for - suck it Florence train system) only to find that the sun came out 5 minutes later. Sundays suck in Europe because everything is either closed or closes early. Tomorrow, museums are closed, so David will have to wait until Tuesday.

Rome was great. More on that when people aren't queued up behind me giving me dirty looks. I can feel their looks.


Narges said...

i like the word "que" and try and use it often.

Anonymous said...

I too used the word "que" recently. I think it's a trend. Keep it rolling.

Zac said...

Interestingly, I'm pretty sure it's spelled 'queue.' I am, after all, both of yours' copy editor.

Narges said...

i guess i have never written it out before. i will save this for my next scrabble game.

Anonymous said...

it is in fact, spelled "queue" (and it is one of my favorite words). zac, no offense to narges or your mom, but i can't tell you how badly i wanted to leave that comment sooner. i didn't though, because they don't know me and i didn't want them to think that i was rude. i swear i'm not rude... i'm just a little obsessed with spelling.

anyway, kudos to you and your language skills.

Anonymous said...

Zac, As soon as I posted, I realized it wasn't the way you spelled it and I KNEW you were going to correct it. Thanks for being predictable, ummm...I mean RELIABLE. And anyway, I was talking to Narges. It's OK Mary, I too am a spelling freak (where do you think he gets it) and can handle being corrected. I correct people everyday : ) Queue up for a scrabble game at my house anytime. Standing invitation. Cheers!

Zac said...

Mom, please don't invite my friends over when I'm not around. Also, I will own you all at Scrabble.

Also, I don't really spell that well at all. I just know 'queue' from playing 'Roller Coaster Tycoon' as a boy. I miss that game so.

Anonymous said...

ZAC!!!! Sienna just got your postcard from Siena! You realize you and Kate are my only proof that there is a town in Italy called Siena, right? There are a bunch of bubbling idiots who are convinced I made the place up and indeed named her after a minivan. I'm SO jealous you got to go there before me! Hope you took lots of pictures!!! Can't wait to read more!