I can be the first to say this since I'm 9 hours ahead of everyone else we know. The sun is shining here through one of those brisk clear mornings that reminds me of camping in the Sierras as a boy. It's 8:45 on Sunday, and for the past 15 minutes the monestary next door has been pleasantly chiming its bells, I can only assume in celebration of your 29 years of marriage. I can remember when you first told me that you were getting married, I never thought that 29 years later I'd be preparing to move back in with you.
I hope you two are enjoying your holiday. I hear it's clear and cold, but hopefully that made for great views of the valley and the sights. Thanks for everything, and I'd wish you another 29 years, but then I have to think about being 53, which I'm not really ready to do yet.
Here's a picture of where I am. Though this computer doesn't have USB, so it's not one of mine.
Hello Zac,
I can be the first to say Thanks!
Doe's the monestary have a recording of those pleasant bells chiming?
Any way I'am first because Ma is fixin on hur har, and then we will hit da road its 1050am Oakland 7 Miami 0. so I will say bye bye to you and Kate. Love from Pa.
Thanks Zac,
We are on our way. First stop...coffee. : )
Hi to Kate!
Love, Mom
So you just had to be the first. Thanks a lot for being 9 hours ahead. Just so you know, I told them happy anniversary last night, anticipating some of your back handed trickery. They are getting later and later starts as they get older and older. 10:50? Who starts vacation at 10:50? I'm so glad you are having a great time. Thanks for the pictures you post. They are cool to see. And I'm glad to see that you are writing again, back from the dead air space that was Oktober Fest. (That's how they spell October on my beer) Love you, Deedle
oh how i love prague! my roomie came home yesterday and said she had a blast with you at oktoberfest. then she passed out from exhaustion. but i'm sure i'll get more details tonight.
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