This is me drinking Bath water. 114 degrees, out of the hot spring that supplied the Roman bathhouse for thousands of years. It tastes like blood (cause of the iron).

This is me drinking a Coca-Cola with Orange. The soda is colored like Coke. It tastes like you combined Coke and orange soda. Or, pretty much like you'd assume Coke with
Orange would taste.

This is Kate and I, in a pub in
Finsbury (London neighborhood). The cask ale is good. I prefer it to the other two drinks on this page. Not pictured, my pint of ale.
How would you know what blood tastes like? And didn't the Romans intend that water for bathing, why are you drinking it?
Zac, if I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, don't drink the bath water!
MARCY is soo cooler then zac, at least she doesnt drink disgusting things.
My mom's name is Marci. With an i.
Hmm...... Go figure.
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