Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My life in dreams part II

My dad and I were walking around the corner from his house to the Boys Club. We had our shotguns (we don't own shotguns - or at least, we don't own two) and were going to some kind of gun show. I have always wanted to shoot a shotgun, preferably at a clay pigeon off the back of a huge ship or at a T-1000 in some kind of steel mill where I can melt him and not get sliced by his daggerhands. But I digress.

We were in the Boys Club gun show* when suddenly we weren't anymore. We were walking in the snow, down a long fairly flat slope in the mountains. My view was like a Lord of the Rings shot from a helicopter of us approaching the base camp. We were, I think, about to climb K2. In my dream version of K2, you can see Everest and really it didn't look that much taller than K2. Then from the top of Everest (I know I skipped a part, but what do you expect, I was asleep), all the other mountain tops didn't look that low beneath us.

I've done some Wikipedia-ing, and it's clear that I don't understand the concept of mountain prominence. Because apparently, Everest is entirely prominent, all the way down to sea level, which is 600 miles away. I would think "prominence" means how high up you are while on the top compared to your surroundings. For example, Lake Tahoe may be at 6,000 feet above sea level, but when you're sanding there, it looks like zero.

Based on my view from Everest this morning, it's prominence is more like 2,000 feet, and not 29,000. But maybe it was just cloudy this morning, so I couldn't see.

This is the north side of K2. I was on the south side, but this picture is cooler.

*Please note the Boys Club doesn't actually have gun shows.

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