Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Where'd the poo go?
The owner of the dog did not pick it up (I know it's not a stray cause if it was, surely one of the craftier hobos in the neighborhood would have caught him and either tamed him or feasted upon him) and there are no dogs in sight as I walk to my car to head to work.
Then after work... it's gone. Did one of the crafty hobos make something out of it? There are no smears on the ground, and it wasn't in a place that would easily get stepped on (kind of by a tree).
Where's the poo going?
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
My life in dreams part II
We were in the Boys Club gun show* when suddenly we weren't anymore. We were walking in the snow, down a long fairly flat slope in the mountains. My view was like a Lord of the Rings shot from a helicopter of us approaching the base camp. We were, I think, about to climb K2. In my dream version of K2, you can see Everest and really it didn't look that much taller than K2. Then from the top of Everest (I know I skipped a part, but what do you expect, I was asleep), all the other mountain tops didn't look that low beneath us.
I've done some Wikipedia-ing, and it's clear that I don't understand the concept of mountain prominence. Because apparently, Everest is entirely prominent, all the way down to sea level, which is 600 miles away. I would think "prominence" means how high up you are while on the top compared to your surroundings. For example, Lake Tahoe may be at 6,000 feet above sea level, but when you're sanding there, it looks like zero.
Based on my view from Everest this morning, it's prominence is more like 2,000 feet, and not 29,000. But maybe it was just cloudy this morning, so I couldn't see.
*Please note the Boys Club doesn't actually have gun shows.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Red Book Chronicles
But I make lists too. I have a little book, which I got on one of Andy and my strolls up Polk in the first few days of this year. It's nearly full now, and it's great fun going through it.
Similar to my Overheard Poetry (which seems to have been rejected by The Paris Review) some of the entries would make for great poetry readings, but all paint a kind of vague picture of what I did in the past yearish.
![]() | The Red Book Chronicles: Zac's 2009 in notes (How You Measure A Year In the Life) Annotated version -- denotes a page break |
Walk up Polk
Bell Tower Bar ->Looks awesome (Written the day I got the booklet. I would later go there, try escargot, and have a horrible allergic reaction)
"The Real Trial of Oscar Wilde"
-By Merlin Holland
"Interpreter of Maladies"
-By Jhumpa Lahiri
"Special Topics in Calamity Physics"
-Marisha Pessi
Sam Adams Beer
Black Silicone
Cleaner of some kind
Alamoana plate lunch
(The above list was a to-get from parent's house)
cord for comp
west wing
club soda
mint + lemon?
hummus + pita
Everything... (is Illuminated, film)
30 Rock
(Narges' handwriting)
King of Thai
2850 Sacramento
Sac & Divis
1911 filmore
btw bush & pine
Chabot Golf
12:57 PM
May 9
TL Nat'l Forrest
9 21
Doritos (I needed two kinds of chips, clearly)
Frozen Food
Stir Fry
Sweet + Sour
Pot Stickers
West Wing Lounge
Nickle Creek
Moss Beach Distillery
140 Beach Way
L on Cypress
L at airport
R at marine
L at Beach
"The Only problem is, I think she's in love with me."
-"No, it takes 3 times." (Nick, then Mike)
The Palace Hotel
2 New Montgomery St
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
ABM Exploring the Digital Revolution
Main St Station Casino
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was a long story."
-Nick, abou this ripped pants in Vegas
(The following are two opposing pages that are great next to each other)
National Air Races in Reno in Sept? "Salma Hayek Deserves her boobs." -Andy Brett Dennan "San Francisco" |
"You Have Wit and Word and Worth" |
Fulton & Masonic
Cline Mourvedre
Ft Mason Center
Building C
Room 205
"A Nap short of perfect."
-NZ, post
half marathon
G turkey
tea for work
Front Door
Pavilion Stacking wine rack (check mark)
BB + The Bop Guns
Sept 4
2008 Dodge Caliber
Calistoga Ranch
Calistoa hotel -
outdoor showers!
Pots + Pans
Tux Group #
Men's Warehouse
Before 11th
Blk K Cole
Twisted Merlot
Gnarly Vines Zin
Joel Gott Sauvingon Blanc ->Grapefruit
Mayer Hawthorne
"Album of the Year"
To do Thurs 10/22
email tony to ask about lastID tag
santa fe email
write blogs
personal statement
Fri Morn Call Luc
Colin info from luc
Survey monkey
Yak Wellington
The Makeout Room
Diaries read as performance art
Postage Stamp Planes
A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline
Finos in the Andrews Hotel
(Yes, this is how it ends... for now)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Subject: Turducken this year?
I will buy this. Or at least, throw some coin down on it. TURDUCKEN!!!
I'm down to get vetoed, but this comes from a very reputable butcher. it's not like the KFC experiment of 2004.
Email response from Adam (who was CC'd)
Email response from Mom
Why, just last night I was discussing a free-range organic turkey for this year. The subject of Turducken never came up. While I am open to new ideas and am loathe to shoot something down that I have never tried, (hence the KFC turkey), I feel that I must kindly decline the generous offer or Turducken.
I will, as form of consolation consider a duck, alongside the turkey, or, duck for Christmas dinner, or a rubber duck swimming in gravy. Turkey gravy.
I applaud your sense of adventure.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Do you have H1N1 or just a cold?
Do you have Swine flu? Or are you just being a hypochondriac?
Know the Difference between a Cold and H1N1 Flu Symptoms:
Symptom | Cold | H1N1 Flu |
Fever | Fever is rare with a cold. | Fever is usually present with the flu in up to 80% of all flu cases. A temperature of 100°F or higher for 3 to 4 days is associated with the H1N1 flu. |
Coughing | A hacking, productive (mucus- producing) cough is often present with a cold. | A non-productive (non-mucus producing) cough is usually present with the H1N1 flu (sometimes referred to as dry cough). |
Aches | Slight body aches and pains can be part of a cold. | Severe aches and pains are common with the H1N1 flu. |
Stuffy Nose | Stuffy nose is commonly present with a cold and typically resolves spontaneously within a week. | Stuffy nose is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu. |
Chills | Chills are uncommon with a cold. | 60% of people who have the H1N1 flu experience chills. |
Curly Tail | A curly tail is uncommon with a cold (unless preexisting). | A curly tail is actually also uncommon with H1N1 (again, unless a preexisting condition). |
Tiredness | Tiredness is fairly mild with a cold. | Tiredness is moderate to severe with the H1N1 flu. |
Sneezing | Sneezing is commonly present with a cold. | Sneezing is not common with the H1N1 flu. |
Sudden Symptoms | Cold symptoms tend to develop over a few days. | The H1N1 flu has a rapid onset within 3-6 hours. The flu hits hard and includes sudden symptoms like high fever, aches and pains. |
Bacon Craving | People with colds should give in to their natural bacon cravings | 67% of people who have the H1N1 flu experience increased bacon desires. |
Headache | A headache is fairly uncommon with a cold. | A headache is very common with the H1N1 flu, present in 80% of flu cases. |
Sore Throat | Sore throat is commonly present with a cold. | Sore throat is not commonly present with the H1N1 flu. |
Chest Discomfort | Chest discomfort is mild to moderate with a cold. | Chest discomfort is often severe with the H1N1 flu. |
Monday, November 2, 2009
My car is fixed...
Though that 2010 VW Golf TDI does look exceptionally fantastic despite being surrounded by abbreviations.