So this blog is brought to you by the letters F R E E. We also just booked our hostel in Budapest and found out what time the train will take us there (11:52 seems like a good choice).
I'd also like to ask how much people think I look like this man:
I'm not being super arrogant or anything, and I don't really agree, but in the last 2 months I've had three (3) people tell me I look like Colin Farrell. First was the wonderful Frank Long, or FLong to his fans. But I blew him off because Frank always says nice things to people. Then in Raleigh, one of the groomsmen's girlfriend's, apropos of nothing, asked if I was Irish because I look like Colin Farrell. Finally, yesterday (or zesterdaz since the Austrian kezboard is like the German one) this British guy, Sam, we were hanging out with, leaned to his friend and asked "doesn't he look like Colin Farrell?" His friend thought so too.
Yeah..umm. Maybe if you wear a beanie. Then, yeah, i could see it.
i cant really tell until i see you in a phone booth for 2 hours
Maybe it's your huge eyebrows. Maybe.
Zac, I am honored to receive mention on your travelogue. Unsolicited and unpaid mention, at that. Incidentally, you scoundrelous %%$#!&%%, I do not always say nice #@%&! things to people. What the %~*# do you mean by that comment? Anyhow, absolutely love the posts; the Hungarian baths are my particular favorite and, coincidentally, I shared a discussion of baths and all things bathing with Andrea a few weeks back. I am bathing vicariously with you, now. Well, but with swim trunks on. And staying on my side of the bath. ...You know what I mean.
Incidentally, by virtue of my seniority, I have taken possession of Cat Vasko's old office. Yes, I am in the "catbox" now day in and day out. How 'bout that?
OK, back to more razor's-edge reporting on how ear wax build-up can void the manufacturer's warranty on in-the-canal hearing aids. Be safe!
I think it could be the beanie AND the huge eyebrows. Hmmm Edward Norton voice and Colin Farrell face??
Edward Farrell?
Colin Norton??
Edlin Norrell???
Colward Farton????
That last one sounds like you one too many helpings of greens from Aunt Kizzy's Soulfood Shack. I crack me up.
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