Sunday, August 15, 2010

Small Pleasures: Part One

Taking my new reading glasses off and putting them back on.


Frank said...

Zac! You look much older now that you have glasses. Clearly you'd never be mistaken for a 15-year-old with this look, but there is little doubt you'd be carded at even the most corrupt liquor store.

Dropped by 6100 Center Drive a couple weeks back and rubbed elbows with Tor et. al, who continue to ply their trade in the fourth estate. Hope you're well and continue to provide your wit and social commentary to those of us who choose to "Read of Zac."

Zac said...

Are you no longer of the liberal media? I do indeed find myself well, having just begun my first year of law school in Santa Clara (to potentially enter the first three estates, as it were).

I too hope you are well. And, for that matter, that through some kind of technological alert, you receive this message.
