So Derek made me want to get a Twitter account because of his recent
blogging. I had resisted the site with little trouble since I find the service kind of annoying and self-indulgent (he said on one of his two blogs).
I click on the join button and type in the not-at-all-original-but-very-direct name I want to use for my account, which I wanted because, narcissisticly, I wanted it to match the blog domain you're reading right now. But Twitter tells me the domain is already in use so I can't have it.
Maybe some people would see this message and simply try another name. My old AIM name for example is likely available. I saw this message and immediately went to to see what this guy was all about and what he was up to (that's kind of what Twitter exists for).
Not only does this so-called zacdillon have a blocked account to prevent us from seeing what he's up to (what's this guy doing that he wants to be so secretive, anyway?) but he's not even from this country. There's some British dude (chap?) from New South Wales using my name and taking over my blog-matching Twitter domain name.
However, you'll notice if you visit him to see his photo that he is from Newcastle, home of the bridge, the blue star, and the Brown Ale that everybody enjoys. I can't fault a guy who's from where awesome beer is from. Except Hitler. No beer is
that good.