Friday, May 25, 2007

Thank you for my AZ

This writing serves no purpose other than to bookend the month of May with blog posts. Having realized that I started this at work on the first Friday of May, I thought it would be a good idea to add something on the last Friday of May. I've got 7 page views, probably all of them me since I only told two people that this page exists. This posting serves as an archive for you all to go back to once I tell you about it and start actively keeping it up, but am unable to keep up with your desire to read of me and my adventures. So from the past (or to the future) I welcome you to my head on May 25. Some of you are on the road to Vegas, others of you are at work, and some are probably still asleep. Leave a post if you find this months from now because you were bored and decided to dig into my past thoughts. Also, if you get the title reference.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Because someone might care

Following Chotter's lead, here is a blog of me. You can read of me, learn of my doings, and perhaps chat with others about me (have yet to learn of this site's abilities). Not that I expect everyone to care, but someone, somewhere might.